4th Partner Meeting
Body and Mind Academy’s fourth partner meeting is taking place on Crete, Greece, on the 6th and 7th of May 2019. The partners are coming together to discuss and revise ideas about the Intellectual outputs of the project, multiplier events, outputs promotion, project impact and project management and communication.
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Body And Mind Academy Application At Digifest 2019
Body and Mind Academy presented at the 9th Dififest (http://www.digifest.info/index.php/el/) an annual educational event. The 9th Digifest took place in Heraklion and other 16 Greek cities. TEI of Crete and NILE Lab attended and presented the Body and Mind Academy application, the ThimelEdu and the Find/Hide a Treasure.
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Getting The Word Out!
“If you refuse to learn, you are hurting yourself. If you accept correction, you will become
That’s why NILE lab briefly attended the kick off meeting of
the Erasmus + project “Mastering Energy Supply for Isolated Areas (MESfIA)” at TEI of Crete with
scientists from all over the world (France, Greece, UK, Spain, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia) and
presented the Body and Mind Academy project results so far
to a wide and international audience seeking comments.

Open Your Mind
What is the secret of feeling good? The balance between body and mind activity. Seniors who test our project outputs know about it well. After intensive work on building muscles, we started working on intellectual development. Relax, concentration and creativity - these are very important elements of our meetings

3rd Partner Meeting
Meeting finished with tasks agenda related to app development and deadline of tasks implementation. Overall project’s tasks agenda was updated. Important issues regarding project results was discussed, as well as project management and partnership communication.
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NiLE Lab Is Hosting Partners For Body And Mind Academy
Nile Lab is hosting Monguz, Lilla House and Fenomen, our partners for Body and Mind Academy! Currently doing a workshop on the application.
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Summer Break
The first term of Body&Mind Academy has already finished. The last classes were full of positive emotions, latino dance and fitness exercises. We had a lot of fun! A few month ago it was impossible for most of students to believe that they become dancers so soon.

Bicycool Library 1
The next event was the bike race. It was the 9th edition but this time the organizes encouraged trainers and seniors to be active physically and intellectually whole year. They presented the manual and application content as a materials they can use in everyday activity.
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Platform presentation
Use case: Add user to platform, Create new course, Add user to course, Upload multimedia and course
material, Create a Learning Path, Add Learning Paths in training weeks, A user starts a line
training, Trainer get statistics about a Learning Path, Create an attendance sheet.

Bicycool Library 2
June was the month of promoting Body&Mind Academy. Phenomenon Foundation organized 2 events. About 20 librarians and culture workers visited Łódź (central Poland) to get information about the project’s results. The participants tested the exercises and were involved in the process of creating them.
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Let's Start Body & Mind Classes!
22 seniors (20 women and 2 men) started the adventure with Body&Mind Academy. The youngest student is 55, the oldest 73.They asked a lot of questions to be sure that this is a good place for them :) The group is very enthusiastic and curious what will happen next.

2nd Partner Meeting: Let's Talk About The Application
The second partner meeting was organized in Hungary, Segedin, 12-13 Feb. 2018. The main goal was to discuss details related to producing web application (intellectual output). The idea of organizing additional meeting rose during the previous one. The main goal was to meet the technicians’ and trainers’ points of view on the final product.
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1st Partner Meeting: Kick-off Meeting
The first partner meeting was organized in Poland, Łódź, 6-7 Nov. 2017. The main goal was to discuss the management issues and the details related to intellectual outputs.
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